Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Bronzing powder

From Pvsoap.com

Makes approximately 30 grams (1 oz)

Measure all ingredients

Ingredients/materials needed:
Micronized Titanium Dioxide
Bismuth Oxychloride
Serecite Mica - Pearl Finish
Magnesium Stearate
Yellow, Red & Brown Iron Oxide Pigments
Jojoba Oil
Vitamin E Oil
Essential OilMortar & Pestle
Sifter Jars
measuring spoons small
zip lock bags cosmetic brushes (large full brush for Bronzing Powder)

Phase I

7 tsp Micronized Titanium Dioxide
3 tsp Bismuth Oxychloride
1 tsp Magnesium Stearate
1/2 - 2 tsp Yellow Iron Oxide, Brown Iron Oxide, and Red Iron Oxide (a combination to achieve your desired shade)

Phase II

1/4 tsp Jojoba Oil
5 drops Vitamin E Oil
4-8 drops any essential oil (for scent)

Phase III

3 tsp. Serecite Mica - Pearl Finish
2 tsp. Bronze Mica

Mix the ingredients from Phase I in your mortar and pestle, blending well.
Slowlyadd the ingredients from Phase II to the mix.
Stir until homogenous.
Last, addthe Phase III ingredient and stir with a spoon, scraping any mixture off the sidesof the bowl.
Determining the correct color for you:
Change the tint by adding more of any of the iron oxides.
Add more titaniumdioxide, or serecite mica if you desire a lighter overall shade.
Make note of your additions/changes so that you can duplicate when necessary.
Transfer bronzer into a 30 gram sifter jar for easy application with a large kabuki brush.
Store extra bronzer in zip lock bag.

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